We are currently conducting a thorough data analysis of Calliditas' Investor Relations page. By carefully studying traffic and user behaviors, we can identify areas for improvement. The goal is to create a better user experience for both current and potential shareholders, tailored to insights from our data analysis.
We aim to design an Investor Relations page based on facts and data about investor demographics instead of assumptions. Our objective is to provide as clear and accurate a picture of the investment case as possible while maintaining visitor interest. By analyzing and leveraging available data, we can create an informative page that offers a comprehensive and well-founded perspective for our investors.
In collaboration with Shark Communication, we created a website to represent Ortoma's Preferential Issuance. We gained a lot of new insights into ROI on marketing outreach, marketing channels, and campaigns for the issuance.
We developed a website for Minnesmottagningen and a sister site, gerassolutions.com, for Geras Solutions. The website was designed to simplify the process for elderly individuals, possibly with dementia, to access the correct information and get in touch with Geras.
We were commissioned by Neo System to create a new concept for their brand through a new website.
An exciting challenge that involved renewing the brand to exude more security, exclusivity, and high-tech for this established player in the London real estate market.
We were commissioned by Lokon Pharma to create a completely new website to showcase their company to the world.
We built a brand new website from scratch, which better reflected and explained their research process and how patients could enroll in the studies.
Vi hjälpte WntResearch med marknadsstrategin för deras företrädesemission. Vi skapade en marknadsplan, ansvarade för deras digitala annonsering, samt att vi skapade en användarvänlig landningssida för emissionen som kunde mäta hur pass bra samtliga kanaler presterade.