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rights issue

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A picture of a desktop computer with a webpage displaying Calliditas' Investor Relations homepage.
20 mars 2024

Analysis of Calliditas' Investor Relations website

We are currently conducting a thorough data analysis of Calliditas' Investor Relations page. By carefully studying traffic and user behaviors, we can identify areas for improvement. The goal is to create a better user experience for both current and potential shareholders, tailored to insights from our data analysis.

Slogan for WntResearch rights issue with a dandelion against a black background
January 15, 2024

WntResearch's rights issue is now up and running

To WntResearch we created a landing page as well as a digital advertising strategy based on our database from previous campaigns. The landing page ensures that all the necessary information in relation to the issue is collected on one page, and that it measures how all channels perform and how well visitors convert to subscribe to the offer.

See the landing page for Wnt Research's issue here.

A doctor looking at X-ray images on a computer, with slogan and button on over the image
November 28, 2023

Ortoma TO 2 B - new landing page for the offer

See the landing page we created for Ortoma's warrants of series TO 2 B. See Ortoma's new landing page here!

A man and a woman on black background with logo
15 June 2023

It's taking off for Rhabarberum!

A few months ago we created website, Rhabarberum, the new training, life and philosophy concept that has taken place in Stockholm. This week we made some minor adjustments to the side and saw the side perform really well. It's fun!

See the Rhabarberum website.

A computer displaying a landing page with 3 lines of text and a button against a blue background with gold and grey gradient in each lower corner
13 Jan 2023

Spotlight Groups' rights issue oversubscribed to 161%

In cooperation with Shark Communication we created a landing page dedicated to Spotlight Groups' rights issue. You can see the landing page here.

Our goal was to make it easy for new investors to have all the necessary info gathered in one place and easy to subscribe to the offer. We also measured campaign page data to see how the page performed.

After the subscription period, Cision shares the outcome on its website: ”The rights issue was subscribed for a total of approximately SEK 28.3 million, including subscription obligations of approximately SEK 12.3 million, which in total corresponds to a subscription rate of approximately 161 %. This means that Spotlight Group will receive approximately 17.6 MSEK before issuance costs, which are estimated to be less than 0.1 MSEK. A total of 704,363 shares will be issued through the rights issue. A total of 657,577 shares were subscribed under subscription rights, including subscription commitments of 487,912 shares. A total of 473,911 shares were subscribed without the support of subscription rights.”

Two scientists with mouthguards facing a microscope, with text, countdown timer and button over the image
April 13, 2023

Staybles' rights issue with countdown ticker

In cooperation with Shark Communication we created a website to represent Staybles rights Issue. We measured a lot of new insights into ROI on marketing emails, marketing channels and campaigns for the rights issue. The rights issue was subscribed to 90%.

See the landing page we created for Staybles' rights issue here.

A doctor looking at X-ray images on a computer, with slogan and button on over the image
February 1, 2023

Ortomas' rights issue is now live

Ortoma's rights issue is live and the landing page we created for them has been launched. See Ortoma's new landing page here!

A computer showing a landing page with a green background, round graphic elements in the right corner and a slogan and button on the left
April 25, 2023

New graphic profile for Alzinovas' rights issue

Together with our partner, Shark Communication, we managed to create a refreshed graphic profile for Alzinova and greatly increased the retention of website visitors. This one we are very proud of. See the landing page for Alzinova's rights issue.

A woman smiling with blue sky in background, to the right of a green background color with logo and slogan
June 2, 2023

Launch of Cord Communications' new page

We created a new graphic profile and a new website for Cord Communications in less than a month. Cord Communications is a partner-owned communications advisor focused on IR and financial public relations.

It was a quick, smooth and fun project. See Cord Communications' website here!

A computer displaying a landing page with a 3 line text slogan and a button over a background image on a hearing aid with orange graphic elements surrounding it against a white background
December 20, 2022

Audiente's rights issue is fully subscribed

Audientes' rights issue was fully subscribed. See the landing page we created for Audientes here!

In cooperation with Shark Communication we created a promotion page for the rights issue.

Since the company is Danish and has many international players, we created the page in English. This promoted Audientes on various investor platforms and spread through their various social media platforms.

You can also read about the issue on the Börsverden website

We congratulate Audientes on this successful rights issue!

A computer displaying a landing page with two lines of text against a background of a virus
October 25, 2022

Lokon Pharmas relaunched website

In cooperation with Lokon Pharma, we're now launching their new website.

Our task was to clearly and simply describe their research methods in immunotherapy.

We are impressed with their research, and wish them all the best in their future work.

A computer showing a landing page with 2 lines of text and a button on a background of people in costume walking around buildings in city
November 15, 2022

Safeture's rights issue oversubscribed at 106%

Safeture's rights issue was oversubscribed. See Safeture's landing page for the rights issue here.

We created, together with Shark Communication, a landing page for both new and current investors to easily subscribe to the rights issue offer.

We congratulate Safeture on a successful rights issue!

Do you understand retail investors?


Who are they?

Based on our database, we can map out who the target audience is based on the company and niche.

How do you reach them?

We have applied strategies from e-commerce to the finance industry and effectively reach a well-defined investor target audience.

What gets them to listen?

Our insights guide which textual and visual language creates the most engagement in marketing.

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Datorskärm med animation med streck på


Spotlight Group

  • Rights issue



  • Rights issue
Mobilskärm som visar hemsidan egenlokal.se
Mobilskärm som visar Mojo Stocks App


Mojo Stocks

  • Investment app for retail investors

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"Hur mycket marknadsföringskostnader kastar bolagen i sjön under emissioner och IPOs?
Velvic helped us complete a total relaunch of our website. They have been very helpful and solution-oriented throughout the process in order to achieve the good results we have done.

We are incredibly satisfied!
Närbild på ansikte av Rickard Forsman mot vit bakgrund
Rickard Forsman, Geras Solutions
Jag skulle rekommendera att arbeta med Velvic om du är redo för snabb leverans och fantastiska resultat!

Vi blev så imponerade av projektledning, kommunikation och förståelse att vi inte var webbexperter: Velvic hjälpte oss att förstå och fatta bättre beslut för vår webbplats.
Närbild av ansikte på Karl Kwarnmark,
Karl Kwarnmark, TVG
Their design ideas and delivery exceeded my expectations and the communication was frequent and clear, meeting all my requirements and needs.

I have since seen a significant increase in traffic to my site and constantly get comments complimenting the look and easy navigation.
Närbild på ansikte av Lydia Reed
Lyda Reed, LPR
They backed up all of our ideas with tailor made solutions, showing great flexibility and knowledge, which made it a creative delight to work with them.

They also set us up to be highly independent in making updates in the future. I can highly recommend them in creating an A-grade website and am looking forward to working more with them in the future.
Närbild av ansikte på Gustav Kock
Gustav Kock, Egen Lokal


Senaste nytt

Vad kostar det att skapa en app?

I dagens digitaliserade värld kan mobilapplikationer vara det vara ett effektivt sätt att nå ut till en bredare publik, förbättra kundupplevelsen och stärka varumärket.

Vad är sökordsoptimering?

SEO existerar endast för att sökmotorer existerar, och används frekvent av samtliga internetanvändare idag.

Vad innebär cybersäkerhet?

Cybersäkerhet innebär att skydda datorsystem och nätverk från att obehöriga ska få åtkomst till all info och tillgångar som lagras.

Hur optimerar man konvertering?

Konverteringsoptimering (CRO - Conversion Rate Optimization) kan vara svårt att förstå, men är egentligen väldigt enkelt.

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