


App design
App development
Integration with Avanza Bank

Mojo Stocks

Mojo Stocks - we built an app and a company from the ground up.

Strategy and UX
Sprint workshops -> Feature list -> Prototype 1 -> User testing 5x5 rounds -> Prototype 2 -> User testing 5x5 rounds -> Validate UX -> Validate prototype

Branding and UI
Branding workshop -> Set company values, vision, and graphic style -> Build graphic elements (logo, font, colors, imagery, communication style) -> Build UI for the validated UX

Development & Launch
The finished prototype was converted into code, using the Flutter language. It was integrated with Avanza's infrastructure for stock trading, and BankID was incorporated. The app was bug-tested and launched to a beta group of 50 people.

Mojo, urklipp från reklamfilm. Visar 6 bankmän stå och prata utanför en kontorslokal
En mobilskärm som visar texten "MOJO" med grafik i blått och lila
Flera mobilskärmar som visar grafiken och gränssnitt från appen "Mojo"
Urklipp från appen Mojo, som visar en betalning av en aktie
Urklipp ur appen Mojo, som visar hur olika aktier fungerar
Två mobilskärmar som visar gränssnittet ur appen Mojo

It speaks your language

Mojo translates complicated finance talk into something everyone can understand.

Mobilskärm som visar urklipp ur appen Mojo
Två mobilskärmar som viar appen Mojo. Exempel på Amazons aktie
Simplified portfolio tools give the ordinary person the same power as the finance folks on Stureplan.

An app that makes investing easy, for everyone.

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