



Audientes Rights Issue

I ett samarbete med Shark Communication skapade vi en hemsida för att representera Audientes Rights Issue.

Sidan skapades för att göra det enkelt för investerare att teckna nya aktier, genom att bland annat ge enkel tillgång till prospekt och anmälningssedlar. Samarbetet innebar även att mäta och sammanställa all data som kunde utläsas av sidan. Detta gjorde vi bland annat genom att mäta vilka kanaler som besökarna hittat till sidan genom samt hur besökare rör sig på sidan.

Mobilskärm som visar hemsidan på Audientes företrädesemission

Varje klick räknas

Vi mätte varje klick för att skapa en uppfattning kring vad intresserade köpare söker efter innan de bestämmer sig för att köpa aktien.

Mobilskärm på Audientes hemsida för sin företrädesemission skapad av velvic.se


How do I subscribe for units in Audientes?

Depending on whether you already own shares in Audientes or not, the subscription process differs. Audientes existing shareholders have pre-emptive rights to subscribe for units in relation to existing shareholdings. Those who are registered as shareholders in Audientes on the record date of 28 November 2022 have pre-emptive rights to subscribe for units in the rights issue. For each existing share, one (1) pre-emptive right is obtained. 

The public also has the possibility to subscribe for units in the rights issue.

What is a pre-emptive right?

A pre-emptive right is a right of existing shareholders in a corporation to purchase newly issued units or shares before it is offered to non-existing shareholders.

How do I subscribe with pre-emptive rights?

In order to exercise your pre-emptive rights in the rights issue, you need to log onto your netbank where the pre-emptive rights are held and submit an application stating how many pre-emptive rights you wish to exercise in order to subscribe for new units in the rights issue. This could look different from bank to bank, so if you feel insecure about how to exercise your pre-emptive rights, you should contact the bank where your pre-emptive rights are held, and they should be able to guide you through the process. 

No subscription form is needed when subscribing for new units by exercising pre-emptive rights.

How do I subscribe without pre-emptive rights?

If you are not an existing shareholder in the Audientes, you do not have pre-emptive rights to exercise in the rights issue if you don’t buy pre-emptive rights over the market. In order to subscribe without pre-emptive rights, you will follow one of the below steps, depending on if you have a Danish or Swedish bank:

Danish bank: to subscribe for units without pre-emptive rights, you need to fill out and submit the subscription form to your bank. 

If Nordnet is your bank, you should be able to fill out the subscription online at their offer-page, here.

Swedish bank: to subscribe for units without pre-emptive rights, you need to check with your bank if they are able to submit the subscription to the issuing agent for you, and, follow their instructions on how to conduct the subscription. 

If Nordnet is your bank, you should be able to fill out the subscription online at their offer-page, here.

Can I sell my pre-emptive rights?

Holders of pre-emptive rights who do not wish to exercise their pre-emptive rights to subscribe for New Units may sell their pre-emptive rights on Spotlight Stock Market, and a purchaser may use the acquired pre-emptive rights to subscribe for new units. Holders wishing to sell their pre-emptive rights should instruct their custodian institution or other financial intermediary accordingly.

What is the subscription price?

The subscription price in the rights issue is DKK 1.50 per unit. 

When can I subscribe?

Units must be subscribed during the subscription period starting from 1 December 2022 up to and including 15 December 2022. The public also has the possibility to subscribe for units in the Rights Issue.

Subscribe for units in Audientes A/S

Depending on whether you already own shares in Audientes A/S or not, the subscription process differs. Audientes A/S existing shareholders have pre-emptive rights to subscribe for units in relation to existing shareholdings. Those who are registered as shareholders in Audientes A/S on the record date of 28 November 2022 have pre-emptive rights to subscribe for units in the rights issue. For each existing share, one (1) pre-emptive right is obtained.

The public also has the possibility to subscribe for units in the rights issue.

Subscribe as a shareholder in Audientes A/S

How to subscribe in Audientes A/S with pre-emptive rights
Subscription with pre-emptive rights
In order to exercise your pre-emptive rights in the rights issue, you need to log onto your netbank where the pre-emptive rights are held and submit an application stating how many pre-emptive rights you wish to exercise in order to subscribe for new units in the rights issue. This could look different from bank to bank, so if you feel insecure about how to exercise your pre-emptive rights, you should contact the bank where your pre-emptive rights are held, and they should be able to guide you through the process.

No subscription form is needed when subscribing for new units by exercising pre-emptive rights.

For each existing share, one (1) pre-emptive right is obtained. One (1) pre-emptive right entitles to subscription of one (1) new unit. Each (1) unit consists of two (2) shares and one (1) warrant of series TO 1.

Subscribe as a new investor in Audientes A/S

How to subscribe in Audientes A/S without pre-emptive rights
Subscription without pre-emptive rights:
If you are not an existing shareholder in the Audientes A/S, you do not have pre-emptive rights to exercise in the rights issue if you don’t buy pre-emptive rights over the market. In order to subscribe without pre-emptive rights, you will follow one of the below steps, depending on if you have a Danish or Swedish bank:

Danish bank
To subscribe for units without pre-emptive rights, you need to fill out and submit the subscription form to your bank.

If Nordnet is your bank, you should be able to fill out the subscription online at their offer-page, here.

Swedish bank
To subscribe for units without pre-emptive rights, you need to check with your bank if they are able to submit the subscription to the issuing agent for you, and, follow their instructions on how to conduct the subscription.

If Nordnet is your bank, you should be able to fill out the subscription online at their offer-page, here.
Subscribe without pre-emptive rights via a subscription form
Danish investors without pre-emptive rights in Audientes A/S who wish to subscribe may do so via a subscription form. Note that it is obligated to send a notification to your bank, which in turn sends the subscription form to the issuing institution (Danske Bank).

Please note, only Danish investors without pre-emptive rights can subscribe via the subscription form.
Subscription form


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